Yeah the benefit would have been used in conjunction with the impact hits and then, of course, combat. Still worth it to cast on steggie, imo.
War machine charge first turn is accomplished by using steed of shadows on a scar vet WITH the jag charm on him. First the mage casts on him,...
I disagree about steed of shadows being worthless. A scar vet is a great tool to be used to throw 20 inches into the enemys' war machines or lone...
Actually, looks like use on burning alignment is out since this is supposed to be used at the beginning of the magic phase.
Was thinking of Terradons into the cannon crew, not the anvil!
Does the Slann get a look out sir against pit of shades spell?
2 tips in this article that I didn't know or consider before - Challenging with Priest on Steggie. I didn't realize that the mount still got to...
Lore of Shadows on the Slann. Use the discipline that gives you all spells and bring pit of shades. That will swallow the anvil whole if it goes...
My opinion is that declaring lores before deployment gives your opponent the advantage of knowing how many mages you have coming. (since if you...
Just talking out loud, relax. Obviously they'd have to find a way to make it balanced.
6 wide units = 24 strength 4 attacks. OUCH!! Get the lvl 1 heavens spell off on that unit and you'll, on average, be re-rolling 4 missed attacks...
GW would probably consider it if there was a monthly fee or perhaps you have to pay a little bit for each "digital" model that then goes into your...
I would love to be able to hop online for a quick game when there's nobody else to play. It wouldn't replace the real experience, of course, but...
Think it's very overpowered!
Anybody have a simple yes or no for me?
If you roll a 1, thus failing the ability to use this item... is it gone since its a one use item? Or is it considered still in play. If you...
Does anybody know of an online version of warhammer fantasy? One with a graphical interface that lets you play other people on the computer live?...
Can I get somebody to confirm this? I was told (after I got a rear charge with 3 terradons) that I did not get the +2 because they were flying...
First observation I would make is that Saurus are best run in ranks of 6. If you're set on spending that many points on Saurus, I'd make em 2 big...
They also make tasty and nutritious snacks.