I just used Chamo skinks for the first time this weekend and LOVED em. Worked great in unit of 6. I played High Elves. Turn 1, they come out...
Are Terradons not elligible to get a rear or flank charge combat bonus?
Does the Bane Head's target include the mount? For example, if I choose to target a dragon mage on top of a dragon... does bane head do double...
The elf player is using the argument that in our FAQ, it says about the engine of the gods that "It is not the priest that is casting the spells"...
Is the Engine of the gods burning alignment considered a spell? High Elves have an item that gives them a 2+ wardsave against spells. Would this...
Well, you could do 7 Skink Mounted Stegadons!
Can a stegadon get flanked or rear charged if it isn't in battle yet? Thought I remembered that single model units had no flanks, but maybe...
Heh, thought he said vampire at first. They all crumble to dust under Terradon Rocks anyway.
Wow, you should go ahead and punch the vampire player in the face for sheer stupidity. Apart from the fact that it says in the magic table that...
Is there anyway to see what this #1 ranking player in the UK's list looks like? Would be interesting to see what a master brings to battle.
I believe he was indicating that the list is "as far away from cheesy as you can get"
How is it that Saurus with spears can kill ethereal stuff?
Are Terradons considered skirmishers? The BRB states that flying cavalry can move as skirmishers on the ground. I am wondering if this grants...