Re: CONVERTED COLD ONE PICS UPDATED JULY 15th!! Painting WIP *Eagerly waiting*
I get the feeling of chaos daemons screamers or what they are called when i saw that head in place. I am not to sure about that shin-fin but that...
Skink Skirmishers is a must have IMO, otherwise what Walgis allready said.
Keep going, i have a good feeling about this one ;)
That scar-vet looks really... cartoonish if i had to put a word on it. In a good way i must add. Made me think of dino riders there for a bit...
I just LOVE that shield on Gor-Rok. And the battle wounds... awesome. The scar-vet also looks good, would like to see him together with a sauri...
Wouldn´t dropping a skink make me very weak against his magic phase? I have felt the wrath of high elf magic before and i really think i need to...
Lord Saurus old-blood -Carnosaur -The Blade of Realities -Enchanted Shield -Light armor I was thinking of letting him deal with any dragons i...