hi people, a friend of mine said spears attack with 2 ranks even if they charge that is not right... right?
ok thanks guys that clears thinks up
hi people i went to an tourney this week and some people said that skink hand weapons are poisened and others say they aren't who's right?
why do you think razors are bad at long ranges they don't get a panalty
if im counting right its a 1+ save
i don't read that
what is trion ?
thanks for the repllies but it was a little late because i massacred him ( did i write that good )
first this list will be around 3000 points because 2 lords and if i were you i wouldn't use kroq he is to expensive i rather use an oldblood on...
this looks very good but i am not realy a fan of that necklace i never pass the save ( but maybe its just me )
hey, well i played the lizardman for almost an year now and i win alot on 2000 ponits but i always had an problem with 1000 points ( espacially...
that just ridicuelas why won't you may field those i wouldn't go
i am not realy a fan of a WALKING skink chief so if i were you i would drop him and add a extra razordon
are those skink units of 24 blocked or skirmishers?
why didn't anyone thougt about giving him a dispell scroll?
against darkelf as said is the damn hydra the biggest treat but i always defeat them by hitting it with kroxigors
i would drop a group of skinks with kroxigor because they always end up running away if they are charged and from the points you get maybe a...
personally i prefer the razordon but that's because i always have bad luck with the template
if i were you i would put more units in it because as aparach said your easily flanked
i agree with you axolotl but on 1000 points i think its just to expensive for a skink chief on stegadon with spear and i think that i remove a...