i think i go for an unit of 2 sally but any ideas what to remove
well i have a list for 1000 points and it will be mainly of orcs and goblins and i wondered if anyone had any ideas ( maybe i do something realy...
yes the second rank gets 2 attacks
if i were you i would remove the skinks with kroxigor because they very easy lose combat because alot of skinks die and then u end up that your...
as blackhawk said the skinks with kroxigors easily lose because skinks are just too easy to slay maybe instead of that maybe a few skink...
go for the spears for 1 pt per model 10 extra attacks ( in ranks of 5 )
its much faster then al the saurus units army's for sure but in 7th its harder i believe because skink skirmishers are a lot more expensive and...
only got lizardmean yet around 5000-6000 points and i have no clue which army is should start collecting now
what do you mean with the greenstuff
that depends on what edition you play 6th or 7th ( in 7th their aren't slann generations )
u forget the engine of the gods eotg
i will be suprised if someone is gonna read that
Re: my new stegadon why did u make ur stegadon pink?
yes its indeed nice against bretonnia but i don't think its worth the points because you can get some wicked magic weapons for your general
as msinosic said that priest is your only magic defence maybe put him on a stegadon with engine of the gods and 1 unit of cavelry to make the...
if i were you i would drop the chameleon skinks for an group of skinks skirmishers or a razardon because i tested the chameleon skinks some times...
if i were you i would drop the banner of the skinks because A with kroxigors they don't need it for combat result and if killed your opponent gets...
i advice to play with 3 groups of 10 skinks and maybe a scar veteran on a cold one
i recommand giving the skink priest a dispell scroll and putting skink skirmishers in the list
i suggest using them in groups of 5 they are too exspensive for more and if you want more just place more then one unit of them ( 4 x 5 is very...