I had this feeling that it would feel like Orks, after I wrote this I had the thought running through my head. Would be interesting making a more...
Couldn't think of a better title, currently in the process of making a new homebrewed army, how I have my AoS ones I thought of making a 40k one....
My few guesses could be Seraphon, due to how the scales are. Another could be something with a cloak, a few models have these scaly cloaks, also...
Found out that my opponent could be bringing either Orks or Black Templar. Feels like my Tyranids are screwed if he brings Black Templars.
@Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Found the model, should really try and finish at one point. I like the Magmadroth model, lovely amounts of detail. I...
Got one built and roughly painted in dark blue and orange, don't think I have posted a picture. Haven't touched it in ages, I will see if I can...
Been working out whether this torso piece will fit well after all the greenstuff work, I did have the thoughts on the Ghorgon/Cygor body but I...
Got the BattleForce in the mail today, the battalion is a bit meh. It's just reusing the 'The Trap is Sprung' rule, reroll hits and wounds of one...
Decided the build for the other Carnifex, similar build to the other one but with the Scything Talons and Stranglethorn Cannon. Could of equipped...
Hopefully, or the possibility of Orks. Trying to find the page in one of my White Dwarfs showing what to use against other armies. After some...
Built a Carnifex last night with Enhanced Senses, two twin Deathspitters with slimer maggots and spore cysts (debating whether to add a tail...
Messing around with some spares at the moment and it's a mix of I love it and hate it :D Maybe once the greenstuff has been added it will look better
Yes that would be an idea, many thanks! Just mostly tired of having to paint these models in separate pieces. I like my models to be fully built,...
Thought I would post another picture of the Saurus [ATTACH] At the moment I'm trying to decide whether to attach the shields or attach them to...
Deciding to dust off this thread, need to keep up with this. Mostly a brainstorming post this one. So been trying to decide the last of the 4...
Not entirely certain as all tanks look the same to me, I think they have access to that one weapon that let's them shoot anywhere on the board. I...
Well I think the army started to fall apart when I lost my Canifex, being one of the few units in my army at the time capable of flipping tanks....
I think I have an Exocrine, the good thing about the large Tyranid monsters is that most of their weapons have crazy range, so being that the...
Got the Screaming Bell built, well built in separate pieces. Along with some Dilophosors from The Drowned Earth. Going back to looking at my...
Not much on the progress lately, been hitting the roadblocks with no motivation. Been back to brainstorming as usual, want to expand on the Saurus...