Just finished building the Plagueclaw Catapult from the Skaven SC, well kept the crew separate and some parts are not glued. Did make some errors...
Was able to get a small bookshelf from my sister, wished the gaps between them were a bit bigger, so I can display them properly rather than...
Been doing some tidying, the small pile of boxes of models that needs building. Sorting out a bookshelf to go underneath the desk as they are just...
Many thanks, will have to go have a check!
Forgot to buy my lahmian medium when I went to the GW store Thursday. Trying to work out how to do the soft glows on surfaces from fire. Might do...
Thinking on whether to pick this up or getting the Heldrake and Tauralon kit. Need some more of the flyers and of course the Skinks, do have an...
Trying to do some miniature matching again, this time it's a bit harder. Might do some revisiting to an idea that was given to me ages and ages...
So many things from the Blood and Glory previews! New battletome coming Wrath and Rupture, I wonder if I will be carrying on building the Slaanesh...
Want to try and make a Beasts of Chaos/Nurgle mix army. Beasts of Nurgle and trying to pick a few more Nurgle units. Was hoping to keep the model...
Choosing between picking up two Dark Elf Cold One kits or one kit and a chariot. I can just about make a 1000 point list, the full 1000 if I pick...
The new Khorne dragon is on preorder from Forgeworld. £375 for the UK
Tiny update, a little bit of the Rourvuk themselves and the enemy of the Rourvuk. Plus it also gives the ideas of allies when it comes for me to...
Found another hidden project but I know what this is and what for. [ATTACH] The rise of the god of the Chaq'Kai, fleshed together from the...
Massive drop of pictures, well more than I usually post. Got around to taking pictures of the Zombies and the Stained Glass Demon for the MediEvil...
It almost does :D At the moment it's just going to stay on the side while I work on some other projects. I was questioning it myself but it...
Yes it looks like it, I had spare horns laying about from the kit I built ages ago. Surprisingly fits well being that the Salamander is smaller...
Here is the project, very roughly built but could finish it off. Has the neck and head of the Carno with some fancy horns [ATTACH]
Found a half-built project on my desk, because I keep track of so many things I sometimes I forget what the purpose of some. The project I found...
Nearly there with the first base for the Troggoth, need to think what else needs to be added. Got another 5 to do this with, then working...
There seems to be the one every year at my local store when it comes to AoP :p I also like the Racetrack one (which can be seen just behind) There...