Many thanks, I have encountered this before but had problems getting the files to export in the first place. Snipping seems a much better idea!...
I haven't been able to do much today, not feeling that great. But have been arranging on some miniatures to sell, trying to make the collection...
Yeah there is that opportunity there, especially how a few comments I read that they are skipping this because of the lack of new models. My wish...
Painted a bit more on the Zombies today, slowly getting there. If I can get them done by the end of the month that would be a plus. With new Beast...
Includes Tzaangors now also. So the many beasts of Chaos it seems. A lot of people are not impressed over on Facebook that they are not having new...
GW officially announced it Better look at the Endless spells and the Herdstone
Then I realised the chances it would be that I won't be the only Beast player now, oh well :joyful: I like being the unique player and I never saw...
Saw this a few minutes ago and I made noise, hype! Time to dust off the beasty boys and head to war
Ah that would be one of the recent Chaos Familiars then. Not sure if they all have individual names, this particular one always grabs my...
Lower left would be Skaven, mostly the Pestilence one due to the hoods they have
Decided to do some quick doodles to keep the thread going, a mix of Warhammer races, including TK skeleton [ATTACH]
Amazing Troggoth got revealed, coming to Warhammer Underworld [ATTACH] Makes me wish on running a Troggoth army, with the Hag leading them but...
Got my Dread Maw and Basilisk today, need to order some blue foam when I can for my board. Still digging and can only find Skaven heads hmmmm....
Maybe the DakkaDakka forum? They have a 40k section I'm not a member there though so not sure what they are like. I only peek at the news and...
Digging through the bit box for my Destruction stuff, got a bunch of Skaven heads, not sure if they will fit on the Ork bodies, they are a tad bit...
Well it is discussing what is better to take in a list ;) For me, it feels like depending on the scenarios really. Spears and Clubs are quite...
I have seen loads of uses for the Fen wolves, local store manager uses them as Dire Wolves
Looks like something I need haha, they somehow break when I store them carefully in boxes (mostly the skinks). Yet I am a UK lizard :( Then I...
Completed Guardians of the Graveyard [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Worked from this image from the MediEvil game [ATTACH]
*Whoops it double posted