If I can find my notebook, I think I have about in the 30 range of Saurus with spears, I am getting a separate unit built at the moment for clubs....
I mostly like the *Boars and that one Warboss in the top left. Feels like the Forgeworld monsters will be dragging them through, will have to look...
Well I did a thing [ATTACH] Going to be digging through the bit box to see on making them unique. Should of waited for the rumoured announcement...
Yup, plus I've already got a lot of Tyranids, it's just adding on more heavy hitters and other models I am missing. Dark Eldar is going to be a...
I don't mind that bit of waiting, need to try and get more for my Tyranids and get started building Dark Eldar, the joys of my list being...
This was posted on the Age of Sigmar page, no idea where to put it but it's rather funny. Maybe also hinting? Trying to remember if they hinted...
Possibly! Rumours and all being bug related, like my good amount of creatures
Got a lovely surprise and received my dragon from GW, I thought I was going to be waiting longer because made to order. I find that it is weird to...
Just ordered a Dread Maw and a Basilisk. Should of been using the funds on more important things like AoP but last I checked their Minotaurs were...
Did some test layouts on my board, turns out I don't need to use as much as the scenery from the set. But I do want to make major alterations to...
Funny enough I still have my problems with the Kharadron Overlords :shifty: Must be me and the whole 'Infernal Gateway' all over again I get...
Some WIP on the Zombies [ATTACH] Mostly the clothes, details and bases left. Trying to think how I am going to do the scenery, I have the...
That is true, how Azgorh have a lot of bulls. How GW like to make plastic models of the Forgeworld ones, well only some. Very interesting, also it...
Just updated my post with this, as mentioned it looks very Realm of Beasts. So hopefully, great timing if so as I am working on my Beastmen army....
Now I am curious, could be Moonclan with some added Squigs and insects, with the added mushrooms of course. But who knows, it won't come quick...
If Destruction I might be interested on having a look, at the moment I did have the plans on a Squig army but the options are a bit small. Plus...
Got a bit progress done on my zombies over the past day (to me) skin all drybrushed, bone painted (just needs highlights) weapons washed and...
One short legged Bastiladon in progress! [ATTACH] I just didn't know what to do with the Leviadon so brought a single Bastiladon on a bits place...
Got the base coat green on all 20 zombies today, might just drybrush the next layers of lighter colours to cut the time down a bit. Maybe, just...
Hmmmmm possibly, possibly would of liked the original head. Many thanks though! I will have a check online to see if anyone has a head