I think there's a difference in metagame here, from my perspective I don't really consider Saurus "hard hitting units" I face a lot of Warriors of...
As an added note, I like to give skink priests one scroll and one power stone, because sometimes you roll the comet and with a power stone you can...
I don't recommend the totem of prophecy either, since it is expensive and half the armies are not going to care about it either way. If you really...
I'm currently considering going with 25 man blocks, for two reasons, I seem to end up using the Saurus as tar pi t units against things like chaos...
I typically ran about the cheapest slann I could in the old rules, and just cast 5 first level pew spells with plus to cast, it was surprisingly...
You don't understand... Chakax doesn't make them "always strikes last" as in the great weapon ability he just makes them strike last. If a high...
I was in a 2v1 matchup against chaos Warriors and Chaos Demons (it makes sense) My army consisted of: Slann also Slann Temple Guard Skink...
Allright, then what about using the giant blowpipe? That doesn't require two people at all. Shouldn't he get his own 2d6 shots with that? Here the...
Hmm, yeah I see that rule, sucks, my case for the bow is getting weaker. Anyone know of any other chariot like object that allows a character to...
I personally love the ranked skinks. 25 of them with full command is only 145, the same as empire halberdiers. They are, to my knowledge, the...