I find they aren't that vulerable to bolt throwers, things usually hit them on a 4+ (long range) wound on a 4+ and you have a 5+ save against...
They are pretty strong, I guess, they lead to some unusual combos, like a skink that wields a blunderbuss. The inherent armor is OK, most people...
Yeah, so just get 10 of them.
I will suggest a list for you, 24 groups of ten skinks 3 lvl 2 skink priests. It can saturate the field, have a fair amount of ranged...
No coincidence, just math. There are 3 elf armies. There are going to be a disproportionate number of people playing elves because there are more...
Umm.... that's not new and that's not how it works. They can't get a rank bonus beyond +3 unless they have a rule that says otherwise, and...
2 X 28 man blocks of saurus with mounted scar vets in them. Give one the Scimitar of the Sun resplendent and the other the maiming shield and the...
RAAARGH, stegadon! Stomp stomp bluuuarggh! Me Stegadon, me smash, run from me puny humies.... wait, what's that? A GREAT CANNON!!! 'ulp,...
Man your comp score is gonna be in the shitter so bad. The last comp score system I met would have just banned that list straight out.
hilarious list, tons of small units. Ten saurus can actually stand up to quite a bit, but I prefer 13 saurus for this tiny stuff. Makes em 6 wide...
Most people who says stuff isn't worth it never try running those things more then maybe once or twice, you have to gain proficiency with the use...
Lizardman mike sounds like a kroxigor, which is really just a lizardman ogre, which is really just a mercenary troll. I.E. Lizardman mike sounds...
High elf spearmen 5 wide and 4 deep kill a mean of 4.444 skinks. the remaining skinks kill .25 elves The kroxigor kill 2.5 elves. the elves win...
Sounds like a plan. See if a stegadon scares any of his guys to see if terror is helpful. Do note that terror on a slann loses a major benefit...
hmm, good advice, no, bad advice I got lots of. Go big or go home. I'd love to see you turn that stegadon and those C.O. riders into two engines...
Hand weapon+shield kills 3.7 skinks on mean rolls. 3 ranks down, flank, outnumber, it's totally worth it most times, assuming you kill no one....
Create spawning pools..... No slann alive can do that, that would be dumb as hell. Slann ARE the masters of magic, normal, unadulterated magic as...
Yeah, the vermin lord can indeed flee, it is not unbreakable, nor does it have demonic instability. In my opinion the army became more...
I would seriously ask you to try taking a unit of 15 skinks in block formation with no command of any kind and just have them hang around the...