Strewart don't make stuff up. It in no way says that THE UNIT does not fire. It also doesn't say that that razordon doesn't fire either, it just...
Didn't Hannibal once field an army of damn near entirely elephants? It was the symbol on his coins according to wikipedia, so he clearly prided...
I have no idea what you guys are getting at with these razordons. FAQ says: If you roll a misfire on either of the dice, no shots are fired and...
For reals? I be thinking you can't pre-measure more movement then you've got. I.E. measuring 12 inches for skink skirmishers is all you gonna get,...
10-15 ranked skinks with no upgrades is usually my most reliable unit. (maybe command, but mostly not) Just this game they screened a flank...
By the same logic that terradons are underused I would say that ranked skinks are underused. Personally, it's rare that I run a list without them,...
What a jack-ass runemeister. Our groups theory is that it is in fact a perfectly mundane weapon that uses "stargate" level technology, and is...
Unless he's alone, which is the point of Gor-Rok. (also the fluff)
I often take it on a saurus that has nothing better to take. It is unusual (and helpful) in the fact that it is offensive magic that can be taken...
Also, against flankers, never forget the value of broadening ranks and chunking javelins. If you are super precise with your range guessing you...
Enchanted Shield plus Burning blade is massive hate draft against varghulfs. Staff of sorcery is a strange choice to me, but I suppose against all...
Personally, I frequently take a power stone (or two) with my Slann. Especially if he knows all the spells in a lore, and has the cupped hands....
I dunno, The idea of having the steg join the Saurus isn't a bad idea, (other then it slows the steg.... a lot) The stegs can always charge out if...
No problem, I made those myself. Feel free to jack them. I got a full set of sprites for every unit in the empire army and most of the LM. My...
[attach] Screen with the skinks, let the skinks flee (or even just die) and then they will pursue into the spear wall and get pincered by the...
Dunno, seems like the stegadon might be missed, you have no real hammer units other then... skinks. I think that 3 razordons is the way razordons...
Looks great, personally I'd have the skink ride the stegadon, but then he IS vulnerable to getting slapped around on the counter charge. It looks...
My friend runs blood knights against me in 2250 Personally I think the blood knights are harsh to run, but my friend makes it work by having...
I actually asked a friend of mine about this thread, and wanted instruction on the proper use of fliers, so he showed me with his vampire counts...
Oh mass Sart, me so Sowwy me done anga'd you Massa, Don't beat me! I smile! I dance fo you! If I can just have anotha piece of sweet potato pie I...