Didn't have a comp score, and probably wouldn't have gotten a bad score if I did, in fact, I probably would'be been one of the most balanced lists...
Slann Bsb w/ cups w/ powa rawk w/ scrawl w/ war bannar Skink Priest lv 2 Riding an Injun of the gawds w/ plack w/ powa rawk Skink priest lv 2 w/...
Krozigors are amazing in Mordheim :P They use halberds so they don't strike last and have 3 HP, so even on a crit they don't die, and causing...
I'd say give him an enchanted shield, one plus on a champ might be worth the 15 points if it saves you +1 combat resolution one out of every 6...
You could give it to a Skeenk Chief, and then he could be stubborn iwth the horn of kygor Nearby! :jawdrop: (note that I don't particularly care...
The fliers are flying CAVALRY, they might be stubborn also. Still, The horn is kind of a tardish item anyway, since if you play right you should...
You guys should seriously stop posting points costs, even in the the most obtuse form. On a side note, I like the swarms because they come...
A starter box off Ebay, 3 pounds of sculpey, 3000 popsicle sticks, and a tube of epoxy putty. I scratch built my stegadon and scratch built my...
I used the stegadon with skinks once, there was nothing wrong with it, made the trolls it hit REALLY SAD. My Kroxigor was purchased for use in...
For lizardmen I took a flat suitcase type holder drom GW and no foam, all my trays are magnetized so I just lay em flat on the bottom, when I game...
Use a tackle box. I can fit 36 fire warriors, 50+ kroot, 2 devilfish, 2 Hammerheads, 3 broadsides, 5 XV8's , 3 xv22s and a jillion drones into a...
I used to take a slann and 3 scar vets, and just let the slann handle the magic phase back in the day. I used him as essentially a giant scroll...
The advice was okay, I built a great number of large buildings just to get the architecture out of my system, built many rope bridges and then...
If you like to punch people, consider using buffs, even a skink priest using Luckomancy can swing the tide in your favor, Portent of far and...
Read the 5th Ed codex for lizardmen, it gives a good clue to how the skinks operate. In one of the fluff pieces Marco Columbo allies with the...
Just play mazdamundi and have a stegadon, then you can be US 10 and have 2+ armor and cause terror.
Hmm, I mostly used the etherealness ability to protect against cannons. I suppose if you gave him the battle standard and made it a war banner he...
The big thing is that they are unit champions, and therefore could challenge something, you never know when that might be useful in a skirmish...
Yes, but there's no way to argue that a steam tank SHOULD fly, it makes no sense. A skink chief looking down the barrel of the Giant bow and...
Give someone else in the squad the mirror shield. What's the wizard gonna do?