I never used enough Sacred Spawnings, but now I wish I had. When I got into the game I didn't really understand they effect on the game as much...
Me too. I use Gor-Rok every once in a while, especially against my friend's Ogres. :D He's hard as nails to kill, but I wish he had a slightly...
Yeah, the Totem of Prophecy is 5 points cheaper and gives you a much greater US of Fear-Causing, eight foot tall reptilian guardians. It's well...
That would be Chakax the Eternity Warden, for those who are wondering.
http://www.pyramidvault.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4043 Wappellious built some very good scratch-built stegadons and howdas in the above link. He...
You are right, of course. I was speaking about normal Stegadons as Engines are hefty investments that one does not want to commit to combat...
I think most Stegadons want to spend as little time sitting in the back being pasted by siege weaponry as possible, and that they should...
Whoa, what a whopping post! The models look nice. Some of the pictures are a little too far away or too close up, but good none the less.
You want to know the secret to rolling dice really well? This came as quite a shock to me, but I literally started rolling better when I tried...
I think the general consensus is that a Slann is the "better" choice, but, like Strewart said, it's a matter of personal opinion. A Slann...
Thanks Caneghem, I missed that.
I must have missed something. Why is this? Is there a page in the book that explains it?
Seconded, Asrodig. That seems like an insane amount of money to drop on terrain. If I had that kind of money I could do so much... buy cheaper,...
Yep, it says on pg. 78 of the BRB that a unit let by a character with an immunity to Fear or Terror gains the Immunity as long the Character is...
Theoretically, but that would greatly decrease the mobility he gets from being a lone monster, as well a simply being a pain in the neck to rank up!
I used to do it all the time too. I once spilled a pot of blue paint (almost the entire thing) into my mouth while trying to open it. Let me...
Holy crap, that's awesome! Scratch scultped, you say? Excellent work. It looks like some massive manta or something (as in the scary underwater...
Whoa, very nice! SethDrallitoc would be proud.
I almost always take a minimum of around 18-20 models in a unit, often tacking on a couple more in order to increase a unit's ability to take...
I play a very static, Saurus battleline, so I like my Slann in order to make a rock-solid core of Temple Guard. Besides that, putting a few...