I could! So many Saurus warriors....
I run about 27% core already, so I don't have to worry about that change. The thing that worries me is how harsh the character cap will be,...
Love playing Elves, OnG, and Warriors of Chaos. They're little more than punching bags. I despise playing Skaven and Demons. Both armies give me...
Skaven and Demons are the hated enemies of the Old Ones! Just buy more dinosaurs! :meh: In all seriousness though, out of the three I would...
Hey Arrius, no I can understand your english just fine. Glad to have your commentary. The reason I use so many skinks is because they are a...
Never played Elves. Empire, Dwarves, and Lizards are my loves. I have considered dabbling in other armies, and may try Vampire Counts (so I can...
I agree with the Sun Standard. It will keep your big unit from taking too much petty small arms fire from nasty buggers like handgunners and...
Yeah, all of your criticisms are pretty much dead on. In all my variations of this list, I've had trouble with mobility, but what has tended to...
While the computer certainly lacks the human element that makes the game so much better, if you have no one else to play Blood Bowl with it is a...
I take the Slann. The Slann and Carnosaur lord both clock in at around the same points value, I just find the Slann easier to protect, and he...
Hey guys, been out of the loop for a bit because of school and whatnot, but my Lizards are jumping back in the fray in the next few weeks at a...
For an environment with restriction on magic, I think this list will be killer. Lots of choppy, and the Slann can still do his thing. Well done.
Nuffle is my chosen GW God, lol. I love Blood Bowl, it really is a fantastic game, always a blast to play, and one of most tactical rulesets I've...
People are upset because it is a high utility unit that is tough to get rid of. You can remind them that all it takes is killing a 2 wound T2...
I think it looks solid. I'm not a big fan of leaving home without a unit of Terradons, because they are useful little buggers, and I agree with...
I personally never called them broken, just saying that's what I have heard for years. Yeah, they were total skink fodder.
I really really like the new book. I played a few games of them in 6th, but never could make the army I wanted. It was generally nothing but...
Recently Fantasy has basically risen from the dead and we have a lot of players back in the mix, new and old. They have been getting in a few...
I will second the suggestion for Death. It has low casting values to help mitigate Drain Magic, every spell is useful, and it contains two magic...
Hey, if you include the skink crews and priest on my two Stegs, as well as the Terradons, I've got 43 in my list! The Terradons were a tremendous...