From what I can tell skinker. Cupped Hands: If you declare you are using the item and then procede to roll 1 for its usage, your item, just like...
Given the complexity of the game and GW's restrictive IP laws, I wouldn't be surprised if you actually don't find anything like this. After all,...
Startin' your kids early eh? Happy Birthday LO!
Reminds me of a song I once heard... "Sometimes I park in handicap places, Then handicap people make handicap faces," I've seen similar things...
Mord is absolutely right. This type of list is definitely a rock-paper-scissors style. Using the denied flank is also probably the best way to...
Sexytime? I'm also curious about your choice of razordons over salamanders?
True enough Strewart. I totally forgot about that rule even though I'm quite familiar with it when I'm on the table. It doesn't really make...
Welcome to the site! You'll find a lot of good discussion and usefull information here on the LM army. Enjoy!
I laughed a little when I read about the charm and waiting until the whole unit was dead. The only possible way for this work would be in a small...
I hit the Post Reply button before even reading the 4th page of this thread. I was surprised that so many people already had made the same...
Perhaps I should not post further until I have a look at my books, but making the Skink only BSB go from unit to unit, seems like a stretch of the...
Lupercal, excellent point. I made the post this morning, and totally forgot about the fact that they would be frenzied. I edited the post to...
Sounds like you have some great rolls with your swarms. Some of the tournament players will disagree with your post 100% dispite your success...
Stegadons, when taken as mounts, do NOT count as hero or lord choices at all. If they are not taken as a mount they count as the respective unit...
As far as the Skavenpelt banner, I know that I'll probably never use the thing. I'm not too interested in learning to keep my frenzied troops...
Very nice paint. My compliments.
On top of that this is clearly stated in the rules for ranked units in the BRB. I can't quote you the page but the incomplete rank is always in...
Welcome to Lustria Online!
The thing about skink combat heros is that they seem to die quickly against anything decent in CC. Their toughness doesn't make them the most...
I also add my greetings. You have an excellent taste in user names. Nice choice! Looking forward to you joining the discussion.