My compliments again! It looks like a pretty easy conversion. With the weight of the slann/palanquinn, who does the stegadon hold up as far as...
Nice work! Great attention to detail. As I expected your models are high quality stuff. My compliments.
Sounds like you found a good website to do that on! Looking forward seeing you join the discussion! Thanks for joining, and welcome.
Sounds like a product that some genious company decided to market to make a little extra money. I bet you'll be able to find this product at my...
They pay their employees SO good at Mikey D's that they expect nothing but the best in the concern of drink pouring. You did right in asking for...
@ Luprecal I knew it was a joke when I read it, fear not. I thought it would provide some entertainment to provide a reference to the original...
Dokey brings up a good point that I believe warrants discussion. Although it may not be viable here, I've seen way too many WoC lists that don't...
I'd be willing to bet a vault of Lizardmen treasure that this is a good canidate for Strewarts signature. Your models are looking pretty good for...
Kiss ass? I was thinking this a while back actually. However, since Strewart doesn't have the link I decided to provide it. New members who've...
I would like to take a minute to weigh in on coldBlood666's post. I read through it a few times and ther are quite a few parts that I find pretty...
I love purple, great color selection! Keep 'em coming, and drybrushing is a pretty good technique.
Welcome to LO! We hope you find our discussions usefull and informative!
After looking at your list again, that looks like a fairly solid list. I know I'd do a scant few things differently, but you have the right idea....
He developed a new spell called, Ruination of the Enemy's Coordination. 5+ Cast, Auto IF, Cannot be Dispelled, Remains in Play Causes the target...
Or... you could ask Dumbledore's LM List Construction services who have so graciously provided an excellent list in the above post! I don't know...
Dumbledore has made a good set of posts in this thread that I'll agree with wholely. The temple guard's rules coupled with the Slann's rules...
I'm confused, you're asking someone to put together a list that is capable of defeating opponents X, Y and Z? The opposing armies you mention can...
I would say that it is easy to avoid, but I don't see anyone who wouldn't want to try and set their hammers up to charge that, especially if they...
I disagree, using one of these in conjunction with a Slann can make for a lethal combination. If you take a list that drops a bunch of DD into...
The Engine of the Gods is something of a paradox. You have a T2 magic user, that is mounted on a monster that relishes close combat. To get your...