I hope my previous post was not misconstrued as an attempted insult. If you're unsure of the rules that's one thing and isn't a problem. There...
You mention its a WiP but it looks like you could almost pass it off as being complete. My painting style is very different, but I do appreciate...
To offer a little pointless depth to the thread I have a couple thoughts. Asrodrig calls it a sail which is the correct term when referring to...
Sooo much greenstuff....... Knowing I spent so much time sculpting those guys, I know that I could never play games with them. Can you imagine...
Mantakore, I notice that you post many questions on the forums in regards to the rules/points for certain parts of the LM book. Do you have a 7th...
But if they don't come out with a new book, they won't make any money from players having to buy it, and the new models. I know that this is a...
I can concure with the above posters. I enjoy running my sarus units in one of two ways. Defensive 'anvil' style: Run these guys 5x4 with HW/SH...
This was the first time I had read this thread and was quite confused with the discussion set forth until Strewart posted. While having all the...
I should stop back seat modding. I apologize. I find it interesting that there are so many folks who think that having the Slann take the BSB is...
I know that I would continue to paint the models I have at the pace that I wanted to, and probably just play more WoW.
Welcome to the site! Thanks for the pics! You must be able to play very large games!
Dumbledore's post struck a chord with me that I've been trying to indentify about the LM army for quite some time. I can definitely udnerstand...
Most of us use a 3rd party website to host photos and link to them in our posts. I know that I use photobucket, but I'm sure there's a whole host...
Looks like an agressive list, I'd consider dropping the Krox ancient and Terradon champion. At least, from my experience, those points could be...
Not to mention the comp scores you'd be getting.
How is this unclear or fugly? If a BSB is in the back rank he doesn't get to act as the BSB. The rule states that he may still act as normal....
Um... no. You're using the rules to say that just because the rules don't say that you can't do this, you can. The magic item is useless because...
Welcome to LO!
Skink skirmishers seem to do great against dragons along with expensive monster hunters like the Old blood JSoD. I prefer my cheaper skinks.
I have found that lots of the inconsistencies caused in the rules are due to the lack of interpretation or assumptions. Certian areas of the army...