Apparently it's easier to explain why the sky is blue than to explain why a Slann does not cause fear for Steward. ;)
If he uses Khorne, its time to get out some cheap units to intentionally draw his Khorne units out of position (remember they're frenzied so they...
I can definitely see how your deployment can be very effective. I also agree that its much easier to outnumber these days than it was back in...
Thats the best answer that I've read to this question Alesh. Also, why is the sky blue?
thesecondman has a thread up with a couple of super cheesy lists that you might take a look at. I know that I would start there.
Why take venom and a magic weapon? They dont' work together.
*edit* Removed: Irrelevant to the threads intended discussion.
Welcome to the site!
Slayers = great skink skirmisher targets. Blowpipes > Slayers, GG KKthxbai! ;) Whenever I face dwarves, I save a unit of skinks to face off...
Thanks for saying what I was trying to say in 1/5 the words. ;)
Uggh, I knew I'd see this list eventually. If someone actually takes this list, it has got to go up against something equally as cheesy. I don't...
No offense taken at all. I would also agree that it's a very useful thing to keep your opponent guessing in the magic phase. I think that as it...
Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09) I'm not denying the comic value at all. I'm saying that this isn't the place for it. This thread...
They could very well become frenzied? The armybook specifically states that the bearer becomes frenzied once he has inflicted a wound. How does...
Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09) It's dissappointing to see a tactica thread reduced to a senseless middleschool joke. Makes me...
You have a pretty powerful list set up there. I have a couple comments that I'll share. 1) You will most likely get some negative comments about...
I'm not going to waste my time quoting all the posts which list the advantages of this character build for the Scar Vet. I'm not sure what you...
Both are good builds. I won't say that one outperforms the other, because they are used for seperate purposes. Magic heavy armies will benefit...
No no no no no. This is clearly defined in the psychology section under stupidity and then of course in the character section of the rulebook. A...
Well, here is an updated list from the original. Despite some recommendations to drop the cohorts, I'm going to keep them. I want some kind of...