Slightly off topic but I wanted to congragulate wappelious on his entry into the golden daemon I noticed it on the GW site. I think it was bs you...
So what kind of "toys" are these exactly? like little kid dinosaur toys?
Yea a few months ago a warhammer veteran brought his beasts army to a tournament and I cleaned him off the table within 4 turns with vampires....
All beastmen infantry are based on the larger infantry (saurus) bases. But I wouldnt go too crazy buying units as beasts are the next army to be...
MAZDAMUNDI!!!!! he is supreme magic and he can take on a regiment with a good charge, and dont worry about him fleeing like ever with his...
haha yea your right it does look like he was gettin up in my paint pot. I forgot to paint his gums ahh details, details....
Thanks for the compliments!! he took me a good solid 3 hours to paint but now that he is done I got 4 kroxigors sitting here staring me down for a...
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Re: Ghost lizards Thats exactly what I did for my vampire army I bought a box of the lord of the rings "army of the dead" and it allowed me...
yea if I redid this type of list it would be MUCH different. This was one of my very first lists I made.
lol yea that is really old I no longer plan on using a army like that.
lol yea I wouldnt either. Maybe if you get more in the future you could split them up into seperate units. I hate gluing models its the worst part...
Skarbrand is a beast. Last game I used him I killed like 10 swordmasters, 5 phoenix guard, elf highborn off his dragon, he put half wounds on a...
This makes me a traitor as a daemon player but oh well. Im on the daemonic legions forum and they are creating some very nasty lists. Multiple...
They look cool. So why do some have spears while others have hw's?
Yea my WoC book began falling apart within a week of buying it. As has my DE book. Weird I honestly thought I was the only one.
I beleive 34 is the best unit size for the bell/furnace. P=plaguemonk F=furnace PPFFFPP PPFFFPP PPFFFPP PPFFFPP PPFFFPP PPPPPPP PPPPPPP Of...
I undercoated them white. Then based the entire model iyandan darksun, then painted the scales golden yellow followed by sunburst yellow. Then I...
Yea the multi-steg list is really a rock-paper-scissors list. Not to mention gauranteed bad comp and nasty smirks from other players. But hey...
Yea it looks like a big project. However im looking forward to undercoating a army black again lol. Im toying with the idea of doing a full on...