I thought long and hard about getting a battalion in the begining. In the end I couldnt do it, and its just cause I hate the cold one cavalry....
Lol yea I want a bright army for once all my other armies are really dark and evil.
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Geez im 26....Its ok though cause warhammer gets more fun the older you get. At my local club its not uncommon to see dudes in there 30's and 40's...
Also, its not to hard to roll three 6's on ten dice and against a giant (my brother uses 2 in his O&G's) that would make up their pts as you would...
I recently decided to add two swarms to my army. Now I know you could ALMOST get 2 units of skink cohorts for the price of two swarms but skink...
Man you guys got your work cut out for you I absolutely hate old school models like that. Half of the armies out right now I wont even do cause of...
Thanks! yea im actually waiting for my local store to get in the new "dead grass" so then ill have a mix of green and brown grass on the bases. Im...
I think the camera made these models look alot more yellow then they actually are in person. Ill be posting pics of my almost finished stegadon...
I wouldnt think so. Steal soul is not a fire based attack and it says it has no targeting restrictions whatsoever so im pretty sure I could snipe...
Makes sense. I think that will still be a nasty little strategy though. My brothers high elves are gonna feel the pain. I hate his highborn on...
Thanks for all the good advice. Yea I see what you mean I think 20 temple guard may be overkill thats alot of points walking around. Wow I totally...
Thank you all! Ive been painting for 11 years and I got excited with the release of the new lizardmen range because ive been wanting to do them...
You should do it! it was fun and not too hard. Check out the other pics I just added with Mazdamundi taken off his mount and put on a regular...
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In situations like this I always consult my color wheel. Browns and tans go well with shades of blue.
Thank you all for your compliments. It was a easy conversion all in all except I had to drill a hole in the bottom of the palanquin and insert...
Not sure if the leaves bend. I want the base kit though. I think 20 bucks is a great buy for all that. Hey atleast its better then a nearly 60...
Basecoat model black. Paint skin necron abyss, highlight raised areas with mordian blue. Wash skin with asurmen blue. Paint scales mordian blue...