what do you think of the cue of darkness? i think its good, secaly sins im figting a lot of wizards, ut is a ta expensive for a skink
im looking for a cople of god bileds, maybe a defensive and offencive, i manily fight WoC nurgle spam that genraly runs a few wizards, so i might...
wow, not even a token argument in its defrnce :jawdrop: i thought as much, i just hoped there was some awesome thing i was missing
but then it eats in to your points to buff him up woith some magic iteams, would clock of fetheres not better?
im not sure if they are, or if a cold one is a better ider, as it leave more points for magic iteams ect. what do you think?
the raptors? yeah they looked sweet, i was thinking of doing a hored one, but juat modaling a frill round its neck llike that dino that spat in...
ive taken a look at some of the reaper stuff, i quite like a lot of it! im thinking of useing the dragon turtuel what ya think?...
Because it is lacking the magic phrase "Breath Weapon" in it's description. Hence, it is not a breath weapon. It does not matter where the...
im now thinking of maybe going for a giant snake type monster, do you think theat could work? any idears?
i was plesantly serprise about the price of the new steradon, i thought it was gona be horricly expensive.
some good idears comeing out, i like the idear turbo lizard with reverd blade and maiming shild, ill have a go and report back
i dont know....it just reminds mre of my cat for some reason...(probaly more to do with my cat being a beast) when ever i look at the modle i can...
im thinking of adding a carny to my force at some point, but i really dont like the modle, are the any alternatives out ther people have found?
you want to bild the terrain to help you win? sorry man, but thats low :(
i lie the sound of the challenger guy, and im regually gona be faceing down nurgel chaos, so i think the BBoC is a must, im think ing with the...
im thinking of running a mounted scarvet/oldblood, what kinda bilds work good for them?
hey there, i just started playing lizard men and i stumbled across this sight, looking forward to expliring!