That's it! keep it simple, i hate regiment painting so i thought what would look good but take the least effort. (cos i'm lazy)
just an update, done some skinks, washed with gryphon sepia, then baal red.
almost, ogryn flesh then baal red. i was just going to do ogryn flesh then though nah... looks boring, so splashed the red on saying to myself, i...
cos i'm impatient, and the models look cool, i started on 2 kroxigor i bought. plus this swarm made from the critters on the cold one...
oh yeah crikey it's long finished, they look ok at the moment and would do for a quick get up for a game, but yes it is flat and i will be...
new update, all models now have shields done. backs of the shields are painted black.
the shield was solar macharius orange and baal red wash. again simples. i'm busy basing the gold parts at the moment, it's proving to be a pain in...
it really was as simple as white primer basecoat and devlan mud wash.
hi guys, i'm a new lizardman player. i've bought the batallion and i'd thought i'd show how it's going. [attach] just built. [attach] primed...
is that orange with devlan mud wash? it's a good effect. might use it myself?
do you mean the light green/blue corrosion that you get on copper? if so then paint your copper all shiny and new then do a thin wash of hawk...
i wouldn't really call that an army, more a scouting party. :D
seriously! where's the fun in it? sure if you want rows upon rows of painted stuff really quickly then dip away. i would prefer to paint my...
people actually do this?? :jawdrop: heathens.