Welcome! I've found this to be the most helpful place to learn about the finer details of LM. Had so much help since i signed up I'm sure u'll...
I have writen up 2 Army lists for my VC game sunday. I was hoping to get tips and feedback from the pros to see if they are any good. JSoD-Gen,...
Thank you for that. I was thinking about taking one in against a VC army but figure Sallies are much better. Now I know how to use this beautiful...
I did ok, after 5 hours of newbie play and lots of help from expert players we hended in a draw (lost by a 100). I would suggest taking Rod of...
I just had my first 2000 pt game as well and agree w/ lone Slann. I went up against a VC army and was very happy I didn't waste points on TG.
I was wondering if a stegadon charges into a unit can the skins still launch the bolt thrower? What are the merits to a Stegadon w/ a Stegadon...
After reading this thread and reading up on the VC forums I took on my first VC match up (first 2000 pt game). I went in w/ a 2nd gen Slann army...
I am about to do my first 2000 pt match either tomarrow or next weekend so I'm glad to here u did so well. I like your Slann set up I'm going to...
Oh, ok WOW that helps me out. I was wondering how that worked out. TY for the help. Can't wait to break out my 2000 pt army.
I'm still new to the game and tryin to learn all the details of LM and WH. How does taking spears cost +1 AS?
I love this Idea! only down side si w/ a WS of 3 not sure how effective they would be. One thing I'd like to see is a unit of duel weilding Saurus...
I was wondering what r the mettits of Saurus using hand weapons? Is the pt cost the only reason I wouldn't take spears?
oooh I found these over at Reaper> http://www.reapermini.com/Miniatures/reptus very nice.
Wow I love your crazy mods. Great paint job on the Carnosaur.
I have been collecting a nice Lizardman army and have about 2000 pts built up and I am painting them. I was wondering what other kind of lizardmen...
LIZARDMEN BARBED RAZORDON HUNTING PARTY! Now that sounds like a great time. I can't wait to see what this is.
I'm still new to Wahammer and Lizardmen but one good tactic I've heard about w/ JSoD is hinding him in a unit of Saurus warriors and have him jump...
Welcome to the forum and the great race of the Old Ones! :D
I think putting your JSoD out there and hoping your opponent doesn't dispel it is a lil risky compared to killing on the magic phase. If you run...
I'm in San Diego, CA and moving to Anthem, AZ soon.