I wanted to get some advice/tips for Slann magic school picks I've been pouring over the magic section and I know you can pick any schools for a...
Ah now I understand. I didn't know that throwing was diffrent than shooting. that does change the dynamic of Javs. Humm, Now I have more to think...
Thank You!
I am wondering the merits of the Javelins Vs Blow Pipes. I just don't get it, why wouldn't I always use blow pipes the extra range and x2 seem to...
Yes, OMG yes. I use the gamer tag FrozenLizards. If you could change my user name to that I would love it.
I am having a problem I have mistyped my user name and can't change it. I'd like to know how to change it or delete it so I can make a new one w/...