a slann is a lord and he needs a lord base en a krox terrie and swarms are monster bases :D
lord's 1x slann FoM CHotOO TFR heroes skink priest lv.2 wiz EotG skink priest lv. 2 wiz. dispel...
Re: my new stegadon (update) Day 7 [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] almoste done now :D
Re: my new stegadon (update) Day 6 [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] jupa :D
he cant be challenget he isnt on the first rank he cant atk either :D
why no sallies for big rankit units?
Re: my new stegadon (update) DAY 5 [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach]\ i upload more soon :D
thats a nicer slann than GW slann :D
Re: my new stegadon DAY 4 [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] the last pictuere is from my and my stegadon :D
the pics are very unfocust you need the make new ones :D
Re: my new stegadon [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] he is now much darker :D but the boney stuff isnt ready i diddent have much time to...
Re: my new stegadon I washt my steggie now is hi much darker :D
but can the krox than atk? or only sinks or skink and krox ?
im building him but all parts are fitting perfect :D no problem . but im cut some parts for perfect fits :)
Re: my new stegadon UPDATE 1 :D [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] the bony stuf isnt ready . have not very much time today :D
Re: my new stegadon im alsow on on the dragonriders forum :D the fleshy colour comes from the picture ,its darker in real :D
salamander are more for greater groups en razordons are more for strong monsters and light cava,
nice colours on the skinks :D
i painting my stegadon almost every day DAY 1 [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] i update , picture every day :D
yep they very hurt in one turn slann and a steggie with 2 cannos :jawdrop: