aha wood elfs most rangers jou need a EotG and maby a carnosaurus for the oldblood or no oldblood but a slann for more magic you can magic him...
nice rainbow lizard very cool colours :D
very good :D llove your weapon
very nice colour scheme :D like your kroq-gar
nice little snake on his stage :D
not big conversions but cool ideas :D
so nice very cool colours i wish that where my lizard :D
or white with drybursh goblin green scales :D
nice jungle swarms :D
but all you need is here what is a terradon skink of doom :D
Re: First stegadon of the stegadon rampage list ( wip)*updated* very nice love the stegadon colour :D
yeah lustria-online the best lizard forum :D
very cool colours :D nice little things on the skink tails :D
Re: First stegadon of the stegadon rampage list ( wip) nice stegadon colour :D
nice convertion but i see some finger prints on the green stuff :D
cold one cava. is to expensif . and cannons like to shoot on your cava. Darkness :D
ist fixt :D
lord's 1x slann focus of mystery stone soul heroes 2x skink priest lv. 2 wiz. dispel scrolls 2x EotG core...
sorry im forgot to del. the other topic ;)
i want a EotG the cost 290 and a an. stegadon 275 = 580 pt or EothG and a an. stegadon 290 pt is the cost from the EotG + the steagon or i must...