Does anyone run a solo slann? if so what is a good build?
Hello everyone, I am going to take this list to a local tourny and I wanted some feedback. It's a army based of the theme of a sacred spawning of...
You could use the Coatl from Reaper Minis, they cost 7 bucks where I am at and the ones I am using look really cool.
Just to clear up alittle confusion, I don't want to use the War Spear or the Frenzy banner. I am looking for alternate options. As for putting the...
That is normally easy said then done, but I am looking for item combos that will benefit him when in the saurus unit.
Hello everyone, I would like some opinions. I am running a Skink Chief BSB on a Stegadon with the War Spear. I put him in a unit of saurus and he...
Hey guys, I am thinking of taking this to a local tourney. The saurus form a center with the two stegs and begin the slow march across the field...
Hello, I am trying to make a friendly dino list and this is what I came up with. Any opinions are welcomed. Saurus Oldblood Carnosaur General,...
Hello everyone, I love dinosaurs, like alot. So when the new list came out I was excited about the amount of dinos you could field, but I feel...
What is the color build for the blue skin?
Hello, I play alot versus a freind with 12 gobbo fanatics, needless to say those things rip my army to shreds, does anyone have a tips or tricks...
Hello everyone, I have been flirting with fantasy for awhile and have never really completed an army. I started with lizardman (because I love...