60 x daurus is a bit over kill imo, split to 2 x 30, if he is clever he will run death amgic or shadow and 6 dice POS or the purple sun and he...
Get rid of higher state on slann number 2 and take mystery again (I believe you can have it on both). Having all spells in a lore is pro imo
drop 1 saurus warrior and turn the 4th skink unit into skirmishers. WOC are a tough match up but Lore of light is great against them imo. I...
Yeah, remove level 2 from priest. I personally would only use the scroll. Warbanner is ok on TG (best way to kill a unit imo is route it and...
Thats pretty much my list for light :) Personally I wouldn't bother upgrading the Skink priest to level 2 (the EOTG does that anyways) and you...
This looks a bit more like a Light list to me, with Life you don't need to run such big units imo, as you can make them harder to kill and bring...
Not sure if this is in the right place, sorry if not. I have recently purchased some magnets and movement trays, I now need some sheet metal to...
Best way imo to deal with the blendr vamp lords is death magic - bane head combo. They only have 3 wounds. Also lore of light with bane head...
Had a battle against VC last night and won 17-3. Simple pointers to help win based on my experience. Run Lore of Light!! The shooting spells...
I have a question. The comment of . Terradons are nice but not necessary. Realistically the Chameleons will have a higher damage output with...
Bubble BTW and SOL so you get the Krox and TG and its game over for your opponent. This is a fun list, mising chmos though. My only gripe!
Am I miss understanding something here??? You say there will not be enough dice to go around. Attribute of death is add 1 dice to the power pool...
I have his list - It will be something like - Greater demon of nurgle - Bale sword 30 demonettes with herald and siren standard 30 horros...
Unfortunately I do not know his list :( I have read that flaming attacks are preferred to stop regens? is that correct, Also, is AS totally...
Guys, Need help, got a 2.4k battel against demons on Monday. Can you advise on magic weapoinms/armour to help me out. This is my list...
Personally I run 8 COC 4x2 with a scar vet included in this. For me this has won me more than 1 battle, they hit hard as hell when charging and...
Pretty good combat list but you will severly lack magic. In my honest opinion you really need a Slann but non Slann lists can work, however, if...
Awesome, now that is some hitting power, 7 strength 5 attacks with re-roll to hit. EPIC!!!!
Quick Question - If I run lore of light and my scar vet has a potion of foolhardiness (+1 attack on charge) can he still gain his +1 attack from...
You say that but with a scar vet and 7 COC I managed to annihilate a pack of 6 ogres yesterday. from my limited experience they have been a game...