My lizard theme is Lava/fire Foundation Red for base Coat Then Devlin Mud for the body and Bad Ass Black for the scale areas Then i do Blazing...
I would take 3 and i would line them up from your deployment zone the the nearest frenzied unit. LOL have the unit kill it and over run into the...
Im note sure what your talking about. You just need to take lore of metal on the slan and cupped hands. First off hydras are easy to kill, if...
Im not sure why this would get bad comped. There is nothing wrong with this list. Its magic heavy, im sick of people comping lists because they...
Currently at my GW we have set up a Challenge Board, today i went from the 5th tier to the 3ed tier with this army. This is my current tourney...
It depends what kind of list you wana run, if you have the battalion box i would go with a Slan temple guard unit and 2 EOTG. This way you can...
Sorry but i cant approve of your list. I can see how you can do well with it if your experienced but the thing is you can make more power full...
The list hes playing is kind of cheap. I would take a slan and just spirit of the forge the avil. I guess that would work, not really sure about...
Im sorry Laskoulas7 not to talk bad about you but Sarus Cold One are excellent, you might have to over look how you run them because every game i...
If you have a magic weapon your character cant use a non magical weapon. If you have a magical weapon you have to use it. I would give the...
Yup i though so just checking to make sure im not reading something wrong. I would love to use Cleansing Light and Burning alighnment in the same... ... 01&start=3 the puppet master thingy talkes about channeling Cleansing fire. Last time i checked this...
Makes thinkgs stubborn like the thread implys. I would much rather see Spears on the Scar Vet that ways you can get +1 armor and still have +1 str...
Similar to what i have but the list i ran today and masacrued high elfs went something more like this. Slan Mage Priest BSB Warbanner 3 Powers...
Should have challenged, WOC cant refuse them.
You give it to the Hitachies to the temple guard because most people know that your going to charge 8 inches so armys like elves will stay away 9...
Yahh your right i totally forgot about the fact that your fog is just going to take a bolt thrower or arrow fire in the face and just die. Your...
Yah but then there is always a chance that he will be stupid. Had the dummbest game today, Scar vet in a unit of 15 spears stupid on turn 1 with...
Mak your SLan a BSB with WarBanner. Then give you temple guard the blessed hitachi banner. You would need to drop like 30 points to do this. I...
I would have atleast one scroll, also i would run Tetto'Eko as he makes all your lore of heavens spell cast with irresistable force on doubles if...