Thanks. I've actually started several conversion projects recently involving extra bitz from my Stegadon models. The first one was my BSB, its...
This is my WIP Standard bearer. I'm making it with one of my extra Skink Chiefs from my Stegadons and a Temple Guard standard. [attach]
My WD arrived today. It didnt have a lot in it but its been added to the Links & Resources link. I've also done a little more work to the...
Yeah, most of it was in the 6th edition book. But some of it wasnt. I just thought it was an interesting concept that deserved a little...
I came across a discussion about the "Sacred Spawnings" over on the Pyrimid Vault. I found it interesting enough that I have taken the time to...
I've updated the Tactics Database with some new tricks! Once the new issue of White Dwarf arrives, I'll be adding any Lizardmen related...
Re: Lizardmen Links & Resources I've started a second project that I thought I would share with you all. Its a Lizardmen Tactics Database. Some...
Re: Lizardmen Links & Resources Updated with some new stuff.
My armies look something like this: Britonnia: +3000pts (Fully Painted) Dwarfs: +5000pts (Partly Painted) Empire: +3000pts (Some primered, none...
One thing I do that seems to help with the glueing: Once the glue has time to dry, I glue a second time. I usually only glue twice for plastic...
I like using cavalry several different ways. 1. Units of 5. Small Fast units. Use them to out maneuver or pin down other units. 2. Units of...
The batallion box comes with 24 of them. Thats about the size I like my regiments anyway since it allows you to take a couple of casualties and...
Re: Lizardmen Links & Resources Thanks! You know, it never even crossed my mind to put the official link on the list. I'll get it added.
Thanks guys.
I've been putting together a list of Lizardmen related links and resources recently. I wanted to share them with you all. Lizardmen Links &...
I just added Lizardmen to my list of armies today. Since I signed up, I thought I would take a moment to introduce myself. I currently have...