I can not understand for a second how people actually can enjoy playing that kind of lists. You say that you want to take a nicer list to let...
Hey there. Will try to help out a bit. In warhammer as it is right now movement is very very importent to your game, if you are not so...
Well we all play a different style when it comes to warhammer. I try to minimize the randomness as much as possible often (exept my cav list) but...
First. It is only human and orcs that can get away with cheap characters, if you want to play lizardmen get used to it. Second, your templ...
Hey. I like the lizardmen cav lists. But the carnausaur, yeah its cool and all that but really not worth its points imo. If you wish you can...
Hey. A few things that i can give advice about. Firstly, if you are wishing to be competetive i think you should skip the carnasaur, it is a...
Hey there. The list you got is pretty darn strong, i myself do not play without composition restrictions so a 3 steg army will never be a option...
Ahoy. Just got back home after playing a second game with the Oldblood. I really have to change my playstyle alot to get out what i want from...
So first game with the second list i wrote down earlier, the oldblood didnt even get a chance to do what he could. I was up against high elfs and...
Aye. Well for the 2nd list i am not sure that sweeping one flank is always the best deployment option, but refusing a flank might be used some....
Aye, 2nd list is very fast and it will require a very very aggressive playstyle to succeed, but i will handle that part ^^. Other things that...
Tournament list with a little modified ETC rules. You are allowed 10 insteed of 9 PD, all stegs that priests mounts counts as their normal...
Hello, The comp score is a pretty developed system to balance out the armies while being competetive....
Hello, what salamander is trying to point out but really has no clue how to is that you are really lacking any magic defense in your list. When...
Hello. I really thought i had already included the comp system, here is a link http://atlantis.sverok.net/WPS/RT_WPS_Comp.pdf The thing being i...
So, ive played 5 games so far in the last couple of days with this list and now i really feel that ive found something that works with this...
So been trying different things out for the last 5 games and finally came up with something that should do what i want. Units i am not so happy...
Hey, yes i am with you on that. Last game i played a few days ago i had changed the plaque into Banhead insteed, worked wonders. I am still...
I have debated about letting him roll without it but it is for safety, cannons, stone throwers etc, yeah i know he already got that 4+ ward save...
Hey, at the gaming club we use this comp system http://atlantis.sverok.net/WPS/RT_WPS_Comp.pdf. So here is the list ive been toying with and...