If I were you I'ld go for the magic army. With a few adjustments: drop a unit of cohorts. Drop the scar vet Add more temple Guards.( 11 just get...
Re: Advice in taking on a VC+ Lizzie Heavy Magic armies. You mean to make them crumble ? :)
This friday I've got a battle coming up. Some guys from our local club asked to battle a friend and me. One of the opponets plays VC. He plays a...
yes the challange thing wouldn't do anything as the stegadon can just fight in the challance and most times put a wound or 2 on something, maybe...
I dunno why but something doesn't feel right when I look at this list. it is for 3K points for sure as you allready got 1200+points in...
I don't really love the look of our CoR either. But it seems to me that they will be our new hammer unit together with an ancient stegadon. As...
I'd give the chief a spear so he gets a +1S on the charge. Maybe drop the big skink cohort with the krox.. For 2krox you have 2 simple meatball...
I recently fought WoC. As said before he used mainly cav and heavy magic. I blasted haf his army away in 2 turns by magic and shooting, chams...
Really ? I always used a Magic weapon + Additional handweapon with my FSoD before.. :P
Your latest lists looks really nice. A list that could deal with almost anything on any level. On 2250 points I would almost use the same list but...
We now have a Killing Blowing FSoD... The Dagger of Sotek is 25 and Cloak is 25 so a chief can have (with an additional hand weapon) strike 4 S4...
An EoTG is easily 440pts.. and if I would field it I'm sure the opponent would try his best to bring it down as fast as possible. And an engine...
Problem is that the current WoC lists consist of mainly Marauder horsemen, hounds and Knights (khorne, nurgle and slaanesh) together with some...
Seems like a nice list. Depends on what your casual oppents like to field. In my area its all Heavy-magic lists. So 1 priest wouldn't cut it vs...
I forgot to mention that they allready got spears, that is why they are 198pts. ;)
Since I'm in a campaign I won quite some nice battles with my 6th ed list. But now I have to "update my list to 7th ed". But now my shooty list I...
LoL The ancient stegadon w/ Giant Blowpipes can stand&shoot ? You absolutely sure about that ? If that would be possible its one big nasty...
Depends on what you're attacking xD VC zombie skellie block.. Tomb kings..Daemon Block.. HE block.. Warriors of Chaos block? Any elite troop with...
What vampire player would be "dumb" enough to send his lord (if he dies he's lost) on himself toward an enemy... if by any chance that block holds...
yea new one... But I'm still under 6th ed rules.. still... 2+ arm save for a 35pt/rider sucks.. while lot of armies can get a better 1+ for...