2+ save ? huh ? Mounted 5+ (thick skinned) Scaly skin 4+ Shield 3+ ... I'm under the impression our cav can max have 3+ save wich is bad for...
Lol yea I forgot about the unbreakable.... Still, once a unit of knights (4) from my friend held of an hellcannon 3 turns, was so funny
No hero can ever singlehandedly destroy an full Command unit in the front.. Oldblood on carnosaur would have to do 5 wounds to be equal and 6 if...
I do realise that the new lizzie book is ment for us to make a more Combat related list. But the thing that pops up in my mind when I see this:...
Pretty simple.. Avoid combat at all times.. concentrate skinks and sallies at his fast cav first... Use magic like Uranos thunderbolt on his...
lol it's still usefull, you can still destroy lots of units by it, but if I were you I'ld use a scar vet that is not your general :p But if you...
LoL thats real funny. But u can't kill all that in just one turn like u said... overruning into an other unit just counts as a next charge in the...
lists: Scar-Vet Scar Veteran (Gen) Charm of The Jaguar Warrior Sword of Might, GW Sotek, Quetzl, Echanted shield, light armor...
LoL yea The first time I saw the Tyranids in 40k I emmediatly thought about the Lizzies :d The small ones soooo look like skinks :p Will be so...
Slann with Bane head on general, Rule of Burning iron + Spirit of the Forge... if those spells get out.... Game is won for u the second u bring...
We will probably have not much of an other choise then to use saurus now :D Skink skirmishers gotten more expensive now.. for what they did......
Somehow it sounds kinda logical... As your hero does only 1 wound... Bane doubles that by doing an extra wound.. and Piranna doubles the FIRST...
Well... I said pritty much the same to him.... I just got battered because he had first turn.... Instead if I would've had first turn my magic...
It was the same list whith which I gave WoC a massive massacre... a WoC list only with knights and marauders... The Game befpre these skaven......
I dunno how.. but after 2 turns I stopped vs a friend of mine who used skaven list... I'm not going to give both lists but just a small idea......
I had the thing vs me in an DoC list... I thought he'd be using a Lord of Change.. and no bloodthirster so I didn't field mass skinks... He...
Yea offcourse I'm thinking of Sotek.. srry ^^ btw about the Bane Head + piranna blade... GW said so that it does only 3 wounds.. as its not...
Bane + Piranna = 3 wounds Still it would maybe kill everything with 1 hit .. but .. You can get charged easely... no ward save... and 5 S5...
Old blood: Tepok, Old Ones Revered blade of Tzunki, Charm of The jaguar Warrior, Ench Shield, Light armor, = 145+ 15+35+65+20+10+2 = 292 You'll...
ah k :) Dutch.... Belgian... Same for me ;) thx for the link dude =) I'll try to enter the tournement if my Exams have a good outcome :P