the only problem is that "all dice are roleld at once" comes under "fast dice rolling" while techincally each model /part of the model should roll...
i disagree with that statement being true in this case. i read it as as "is a complicated rule and we don't want to put anybody at a disatvantage...
thye get charged because they aren't that dangerous and they can't flee. on the charge they will do nothing 1/3 of the time and thats IF they get...
i'm surprise it hasn't been mentioned here but this problem is actually adressed in the LM FAQ. the naswer they give is to think what the rational...
the main problem is that there is no refference to the order of attacks in a normal charge situation. everybody strikes 1st, but the order is not...
rule of burning iron, spirit of the forge and distilation of molten silver are all flaming attacks
eotg aand salamanders are the answer for you, and magic ofcourse since there allways will be an IF here and there. an eotg is worth 7 1/2 knights...
burning doesn't automatically imply fire, like "burning ambition" or "burning anger".
probably spells are your best bet, spirit of the forge is nasty against the prince and even against the dragon. basically you just have to ignore...
razordons aren't really ment to take charges from cavlary and survive, same with other elite units. as others said, the reason the razordons suck...
how do you calculate VP's for a monsters and handlers unit [i.e. Hydra] if the hydra is dead and both handlers are alive do you get 100% VP's for...
i find that 15 saursu work best, its the balanced between 18 (wich i see as an exces of saurus given the point cost) and hte insufficience of 12...
lets not get the rat ogres ivolved, they should be above both kroxigors and miotaurs according to the background, alltough they should probably...
my mistake, i did not notice that the hide counts as heavy armor, i thought it was just extra to the normal equipment
i can do the skaven one but ti really depends on when it happens, i've got my hands full with reading for school so be sure to PM me at least 2...
armor save would be 2+ actually, the scar vet [or anything else in the LM army] can't wear heavy armor.
i allways run 15 saurus with spears, standard and musician and most of the times they survive the battle. ofcourse their going to fall to elite...
all TK spells are bound spells and follow the same rule as bound spells. you can use dispell dice to dispell them if you reach the power level of...
this is the same as the issue with poisoning necrons in 40k. just imagine that the barding on the mount gets hot and it struggles in pain hurting...
against S5 or more its basically a 2+ ward save