yeah, but with that combo if you face a wizard or anything that can shoot [elves, among others] you are rather dead in a few turns. also, with a...
hmm, i usually encunter lvl 2 sorceress with 2 scrolls. 2 scrolls + 3 dice is qutie reliable if the ring is present and lvl 2 means that, with...
great bow at BS 3 vs single character on foot? thats -1 even if you don't move, otherwise you only hit on 6's. also, isn't a slann a bit more...
4 heralds means no greater demons if you aren't playing 3k+ games so thats your window of opportunity. heralds of khorne usually have S7 flaming...
unlike normal stegadons, the skink crew does not have to "fire" the eotg so up to 4 skinks can shoot with their listed weapons, in this case...
not to mention the weak list in general
well your 1st list was totally illegal so that shouldn't even count. also, 1 unit of saurus in the 1st list and none in teh 2nd list? you know,...
i know this isn't the place for this question, but aren't we a bit too "old" to say "they earn their points back"? we had a nice, long...
either rule of bruning iron or law of gold. so lore of metal. law of gold is ahrder to use since there might be other magic items in the unit that...
war spear + ancient if there was no points limit. but i agree. either lots of attacks + protection or instant death via BoR
i still fail to see how he won. he has nothing that can take out a stegadon except the casket and only chariots (maybe) are able to beat saurus,...
just keep him out of charge range. i learned this the hard way thinking i had an invincible slann when i played a freinds TK. unit of skeletons...
what about a flying skink priest? just keep running away and blast the other guy with magic untill you either miscast or he dies. even if he flies...
because no more than 2 terradons can come in base to base contcatc with the crew unless there are 4 crew men or 3 on 25x25 bases
i don't remember them having spears, but i might be wrong, don't have the army book nearby. i allways played as i posted before, 2 S4 and 2 S3
isn't it 2 S3 WS2 and 2 S4 WS 3?
NO, it is against the forum rules and international intelectual property laws. buy the book.
no, the BRB says 2D6 models are afected, but the issue was resolved with the FAQ, so was this thread
think so, thats how we play it here. check the BRB errata, i think it came up
given the fact that the conversation started with the mention of fanatics we can safely assume we're talking about close lists enviroments. in an...