MR3 won't help considering you'll either scroll the spell if he gets good dices or use DD's for values like 15. IF is what makes that spell...
i'd rather take the focus of mystery and give the slann the cupped hands
actually, there is. poison wind globardiers can fire into any combat aswell as their own. the models in base to base with the enemy fight as...
the "bane head surprise" won't make it to the start of the game. you nominate the target before the game starts and at that point he knows where...
you can allways get lore of beasts with the slann, and he's better at it
my mistake, ment conflagration of doom. all fire spells have allmost the same name. i'll edit the post
kroxigor = damage to own unitt skinks = free combat res. most people don't realise this but its not really an argument pro-Skrox. you got lucky...
uhhm, yeah, ignoring movement is the bad part. the biggest strenght of a TK army are thier movement spells. if played right he can get your flanks...
you can't match the WE speed and mobility, nobody can really. as long has he places/sings his forests in the right places he will just shoot you...
this maybe a surprise tactic or an asshole manouver but tell me if this is legal. higher state of concoiusness makes your slann woundable only...
the skink cheif with BoR or the oldblood? none of them can get a terradon but you might want a BoR oldblood with a cold one instead of a...
well the errata tells us we use the hands after we roll on the miscast table. while the question is a valid one i'd think the agreement should be...
his lord probably has regeneration so he will be tough. you need skinks for the hydras, lots of them. 30 can probably take out 1 hydra per turn....
if your opponent knows the lizardmen army book he knows that a saurus character on foot has the jaguar charm or that there is a slann with the...
well soul of stone would only grant you the reroll, he adds D3 when the fianl dice ar thrown. cupped hands is the only way to avoid it. if you...
monstrous mounts do not add +1 to the armor save of the rider but have their own armor saves. the oldblood has a scaly skin save and thats it, the...
ahh the young, it is allways fun to dismantle their theories. ok, here we go: the enchanted shield is part of the common magic items pool and its...
i'm sure nobody will see an oldblood on foot with a jaguar charm coming. i mean there is no way to fool somebody. lizardmen don't usually supriese...
actually, we've olny been talking about how sucky those guys are on the charge. can they survive the charge of a unit?
forgot about that rule, mea culpa :((