i tend to think that bocks of saurus are the key here. some of their shooting is S4 in short range, some of it has killing blow, but saurus can...
with M6 you can also just run arround low-armored blocks of infantry wich you might not want to charge in the front. just throw poison darts at...
the biggest problem with kroxigors is their low WS. S6 is nice, but when you hit with 3 attacks you won't do much against anything [hypothetical...
if an atribute has a value of 0 any test related to sed atribute automatically fail. as the above poster said Ld - = Ld 0. BoR kinda sweeps...
yeah, about the scar vet. dont!. use the burning blade of chotec so he only gets a 6+ armor save on his knights. the shield can be either the...
technically it is shooting also as all the normal shooting rules apply :P teplates also auto hit, skaven tamplates aut-ohit even partials and...
as a rules lawyer, I agree, its very ahrd, if not impossible to argue that the whole unit doesn't shoot if only 1 misfires. alltough the wording...
yeah, don't count on skinks to kill war machines. you probably need 6's to hit and 6's to wound since war machines are immune to poison.
J/FSoD = Jaguar/Flying Saurus of Doom. A saurus scar-vet with a great weapon, venom of the firefly frog [sometimes] and the jaguar charm. its a...
you wound chaos knights on 4's and don't modify their armor save [1+->2+]. you would wound prettonians on 3's and they still get a 3+ armor save....
salamanders, uranon's thunderbolt and burning alignment are all deadly to bretonians. saurus can also take 8 S5 attacks but barely. weaken his...
5 man fast cave are lovely if you have enough of them. just throw them at razordons each turn and wait for the misfire to happen, the monste...
lore of life is a huge help against gun lines. you get a spell that ignoers S4 or less shooting within 12", you get rain lord wich gives him a -1...
i thought this was obvious and i did mention it in a few topics. its quite clear by the wording that only 1 razrodon doesn't get to fire if a...
that clears it up, thanks
true. i got confused by this myself. a unit that suffers from stupidity is not stupid. a uniy is only stupid when it fails its stupidity test,...
you could be facing 20+ PD so be carefull. whatever he fields it will have a lot of casters and a lot of power dice. diadem of power, becalming...
well no, not really. teh crew is there like a chariots crew. the character is the one that joins units. while the stegadon is indeed a monstrous...
if you have a magic weapon you have to use it in combat. you have no choice in this matter [BRB magic weapons section]. you can combine some magic...
actually, in the BRB where line of sight is explained the rule is to use true line of sight, so if you can see the target over the woods from the...