the small gap aint all that bad. it reduces teh arc of sight of the war machine by a lot. and 1st turn charges aren't allways ncessary. you only...
all 1's to hit AND to wound
javelins are thrown weapons with a range of 8" and a S of 3. his ability to come from any table endge works only on a 4+. a terradon unit can be...
also, don't use Tiq Taq Toe [or whatever his name is] ever. he doesn't have an impressive stat line, KB on 1 attack won't happen this century and...
even if you only use it for the magic missiles and close combat its worth it, i usually throw a dice at it just for the lulz and when it works my...
thats actually 2 dispells from the enemy. the charm will likely get dispelled as for most people it is obvious why there is a scar veteran on foot...
remember that the fieghtend flight special rule only works when fleing from a charge. failed panic, break or terror tests don't allow you to move...
he has US 3, he does get a "Lo,S!" roll he uwsed to have US 5 in the 6th edition book i think where he did not get such a roll
actually, if you march your slann straight forward and the terradons are in front of him they should be within 12". 20-8=12. still not really...
regarding the 1st quiestion. they follow the rules for skirmishers, they have no flank or rear unless laready in combat. for charging a unit of...
the crew on the steg is are not different models. they get +1 atack in total fore being 1 crew, much like the skaven plague furnace where there...
uhmm, when t is shot it makes no difference, magic missiles have a claer definition in the rule book and mos, if not all, magicm issiles are...
you not only declare wich lore, bu you also roll for spells, thus deployment can be, in fact, determined by wich spells you ar facing, rather that...
unless sed rules lawyer argues that the FAQ is not a set of rules, but a set of guidelines he has to do what the FAQ says and thats 2D6 hits
actually, that picture is wrong. a charging unit does not have to wheel if it ican reach its target iwthou doing so, and in the picture the...
you could allways march up a carnosaur in that guys face if he can't be targeted on his own. the problem with a canon killing him or just mass...
all our stegadons are ITP. frenzy only grants 1 attack to the steg, 1 to the priest and 1 to the crew. now your EotG has 4 attacks and another 6...
BRB errata mentionts its actually 2D6 hits but they wanted a fancy wording
i wish people would stop complaining about the skaven abomination, but anyway... while playtesting might be scarce i doubt the people writing the...
yup, alltough i don't think the champion gets a roll