uhm no, the stone thower has to see its target, BRB p. 92 under firing a stone thrower
just throw 20 skinks at him and he will probably die in 1 shooting phase, no need to worry about CC
i'm terribly sorry, i was under the imresion that TG cost 23pts/model. i have no ideea where i got that from but it heavly influenced by post....
you can't channel rule of burning iron, its not a magic missile
they also say that you should use the engine's power after ramming with your chiefs stegadon... wich also sounds like an error to me but they...
TG are just double priced saurus with S5 or 2+ save, but no spears. even with the ability of the champion to get the sword of hornet or the blood...
you could get a saurus for less than that talisman, or a plaque of tepok, or drop a musician and get a war banner. i don't really like the...
also, depending on terrain and other factors somebody mught jsut charge teh razordons and be within half their charge range so no stand and shoot...
the swarms will die if they charge anything alone, and if they don't you can probably get free CR from them. same with the scropion, alone he will...
its not a bow, its a staff that functions exaclty like a bow with 3x multiple shot rule. there is no room for interpretation unless you want to...
he probably ment the inability of a Skrox unit to perform a turn manouvre wich means you can run circles around them instead of charging them with...
i did not know there were items that fire more than once without the multiple shot rule, mea culpa. alltough some weapons [i.e. skaven ratling...
the only "shooting weapon" that cna be fired in CC is the banshees howl from the VC army book. to a lesser exent also the poison wind globes of...
any ranged weapon that fires more than 1 shot suffers a -1 penalty for multiple shot unless mentioned otherwise, its in the BRB, weapons section
i don't think that what you see in tournaments should be a criteria to rank units by. the problem with the flee-flank tactic is that the oponenet...
Re: 8th Edition i quite doubt they can make all army books balanced even if they tried. also i don't see a problem with it, if they manage to do...
thats mostly the same situation i was giving but with a slann instead of a mounted scar vet. same problem, same answer. i also tend to agree that...
5 javelins/turn isn't really something to worry about and probably charging them will result in a break for the skinks and i either pursue or test...
i can't really afford TG. they cost double as much as saurus and the benefit is not that great. regarding the salamanders... they actually did the...
i wasn't talking about a skinks vs. saurus scenario. i was talking about skins vs. something and saurus vs. the same thing. it is true that...