i've been using this list for the last 2 games against beastmen and WoC and won with a massacre both times. i'm pretty happy with it but i feel...
40 cohorts naked cost as much as 15 saurus with spears, standard and musician. you decide wich unit is more usefull in terms of killing power,...
uhmm... skaven rely on their core and an all core skaven army can beat a lot of stuff out there so there would be little balance with unlimited core.
spears allows a unit to fight in 2 ranks if the unit hasn't moved the turn it is fightning. ergo unless it is charging, you fight in 2 ranks....
no, just no. and don't ad kroxigors to the unit either.
i've checked the BRB FAQ's but could find nothing. even if its ok acording to the rules any tournament judge with half a brain will decide against...
the staff of the lost sun is quite worthless on a skink priest with BS 3. you'll probably be hitting on 6's most of the time since you will...
stupidity on Ld 8 cold blooded only fails when it really matters [i.e. important flank charge for COC unit, lone scar vet charging a fleeing mage...
how can you not know how to play a demon army? marching straight forward and charging anything in range are the first few pages of the rulebook
mark of chaos is not that great really. the campaign is worth playing for the story but otherwise the battles are just random chaos that you can...
Uhhm... you don't need a FAQ for the 1st question since you declare its use before orling the dice, you only declare the use once per game,...
nothing's changed with the plague censers really except the fact that you don't have to test when not in combat. it mentions the weapon not the...
flying cavlary = flying unit = skirmisher skirmishers get the bonus but don't negate ranks per BRB skirmshers rule. search those few pages and you...
cavlary should indeed be charged in the flank, when only 1 model is in base to base. unless that is a champion the unit is pretty much broken, or...
you should never charge any unit with a single monster to the front no matter what. you need 6 kills to beat most static out there. the wardrum...
they are skirmishers. they get the bonus as long as they have US 5+ but they do not deny ranks
i hide my stegadon behind buildings, forest are good too since most of them are larger than a stegadon. as for the unit size... i work with 3...
quite a few actually. the most important things is to hide troops you don't want shot to bits, like the stegadon/s if he has many cannons. to...
the plaque of tepok is allways worth it on a priest that rides an engine, unless you just go for magic defense and there is the diadem of power....
it doesn't really mater. there is a description of spells in the BRB and i think it goes something like this "ability with a set value that must...