Skink happy lists are certainly amusing and you'll have a ton of movement. In trying to keep with your Skink heavy plan, I'd make one... Enjoy! Or not, as the case may be. :shifty:
I like the list. You basically have two anvils, primary being Temple Guard/Slann and secondary being the Warrior block. Your hammers are...
Unfortunately, the War Drums are 30 points and the Diadem of Power is 25 points. The Skink Priest can only manage 50 points of magic items, so...
Slayer is lots of fun. They wade into the enemy and do amazing area effect damage. They are considered "line breakers", meaning they smack right...
No Lizardmen or Wood Elves. :( I know, my first 2 choices as well. As someone else mentioned, hopefully the first expansion will be a...
Well Jormi, here's the good news! You can download a free trial to see how it fares on your computer. :bored: If you'd like a free trial, I...
I am glad someone brought this up, as I felt rather uneasy about this rule. I read that statement as 2 conditions with 1 bonus. IE - IF you...
Hey all! I've been reading for awhile but never posted. I do have the army book with me though, so I thought I'd provide the applicable...