Suggestions 16 man saurus to 15 man saurus squad + spears Take a 2nd priest Rank and file skinks with Krox, it's an idea. On one hand you get...
Terradons over chams IMO, though that is a personal choice. Gret march blockers, WM-hunters and such, flankers and such. -Eagle-
Did I read the word balanced somewhere? Me thinks not.... Too much clout behind your heroes, you lose one of those and you lose nearly a fifth of...
Why the sword of might? I'd say run with Blade of realities. Your oldblood has a near impenetrable AS as it is (scales/shield/armour/CO), so no...
I'll have you know I failed my first ever stupidity test with CoR's... :D -Eagle-
I'm still stuck in the past so I am not sure if it is still the case, but in the last edition including Kroq-Gar meant that cavalry became core...
When you guys put it like that, you make me sound fairly petty and trivial lol Point taken, after my exams I shall go to the effort of driving...
I'd drop this if I were you "The harrowing scrutiny-the mage priest causes terror" This is a purely protective item, it is designed to deter...
Double your magic pull but adding a second EOTG, fast, hard-hitting, fits the theme...
I started about 8 years ago. My dad grew up with model tanks and such and one day came across a GW store and bought the fantasy starter box,...
Are these supposed to be just rule related or can they be general?
13C and the sun is shining over here in sunny ol' Kettering, it's about 25C in my car though lol. Bit of a chilly wind though. Pretty good...
stegadons, temple guard, even more saurus warriors, old bloods/scar vets to bolster your units, a carno would be nice... Add more priests, turn...
23% of women in the UK are obese 27% of children in the UK are obese Both the above facts depress me... A jiffy is actually 1/100th of a second
Nice painting, and some nice scenic bases too 6th edition Cold Ones FTW!!
you and I both suppe......they released the new one 2 months after I bought mine....I wasn't impressed Are there many changes from 6th to 7th?
In the last edition the predatory fighter rule meant that 2nd rank w/ spears only got 1 attack, in the new edition however that is not the case....
Spears!!!!!!!! Now that predatory fighter has been removed/changed the second rank don't get restricted attacks. Saurus are valuable so you need...
I feel the need to point out that your saurus list has more skinks in it that saurus :D I would be inclined to find a few extra points for a...
While this list is impressive it is lacking one of the best films ever and that is "The Whole 10 yards" I can't decide wether or not it's better...