An inexpensive yet effective way to make some good trees. Good work!
Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update July 29th***) I would like to see the pictures that you have as well. The slidshow was...
Great job on the unit filler. Really fits in well with the rest of the unit.
That looks very similar to a character in an old Sega Genesis game called Primal Rage. I loved that game as a kid!
Awesome looking models guys! Wish I actually had some painted stuff to show but sadly I don't. @ Strewart: I LOVE THAT CARNOSAUR! AMAZING!
Excellent paint job on the models. Everything looks very nice! Please post more.
I really like the paint job on those kroxigor. Well done.
Blowpipes all the way
Good looking models so far. I have to also agree with Strewart and Arli though, washing will definitely enhance the models.
Sculpts are coming along very nicely. Love the saurus models, but definitely love the skinks more. The spots on them are just fantastic!
Really good so far. Very primitve and orc like. Keep it up!
I've always used 40-50 Saurus in horde formation since 8th edition. Most times they do great, others a little worse. I haven't tried not putting...
Re: The Really Old Ones, WIP Those are some great looking models you have. Really like the colors you have chosen. Don't feel so bad about taking...
Re: Saurus Spear Unit Filler. Looking good so far!
Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update June 25th***) I'm sure that any new project you decide to work on will be amazing and grab our...
Man I wish you could give us like lessons on how to work with green stuff and shaping and casting and all that. I've only just helped my...
Simply amazing. Everything from your conversions, your paint scheme/skills all the way to your very own sculpts. Can't find anything I didn't...
Everything looks great so far. Really like the skink priest with the fallen Steg. Awesome job!
Looks pretty good. Will look better painted. I second with Strewart that any snake colors would work well on it. Sweet blood python picture goat....
Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update June 25th***) Sweet update! The river looks so realistic and just utterly amazing. Of course, did...