Nice work on the movement trays and again your work all around is fantastic. Damn, I wish I knew how to sculpt
Awesome Slann! Contrasts well with the army and I really like the black markings.
Re: Color Schemes I personally think it soiunds cool and am looking forward to seeing some test models. Ultimately the choice is yours and do...
Nice looking stuff so far. Love the Gor-Rok model conversion.
Wow, awesome work on the palaquin. Colors are stunning and contrast very well.
I can see much better now and they still look awesome! How long did they take you?
Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen That fully arrayed saurus unit looks awesome! Can't get over how cool the different colored shields look. Very well...
Re: Lizards of the Ancient Prophecy (Kai'Ata) Painting Log Sweet! I like the paint scheme you chose for him. Carnosaur, such a bad ass model!
Those look really good. Very nicely painted. Can we get a few other angles?
Looking forward to seeing everything completed. Hang in there man!
Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Update 1/7 - Carnosaur conversio It looks pretty good overall although I do agree that the colors may confuse him for...
Good looking stuff so far. I like all the little conversion work you've done so far and the chamo skinks look promising.
Great looking army so far! And you say it only took you 2 months to do? I think that would take me 2 lifetimes lol.
Simple yet effective. Good looking stuff so far :).
Re: Old Mossy's paint log - Update 7/6 - Carnosaur conversio Really like the horns on the stegadon although it reminds me of Chaos *gasp* how...
Re: Caprasauridae's Lizardmen Really liking the different shiled colours there. Keep it up!
Where is the lizardmen love?
Sweet looking palanquin you got there.
Loe the staff and cloak on the skink priest. Very nicely done. Interesting color scheme for the stegadon too I might add. I really like the colors...
Awesome work on the base. Love the mossy log and the mushrooms.