I too would like to sign up late. I'll be sending my pic within the next day or two. Bought the new plastic lizardmen oldblood!
IMO saurus are good anvils. I usually run mine 7 wide and 5 deep with hand weapon and shield. Gives them 4+ armor and 6+ parry, not bad. Yes they...
I'd say it depends on deployment and what you want them to achieve. Would they work better as a single unit or better as individual units? I...
Good looking army so far. I really like the color on the slann and temple guard. Looks good.
Its the effect of painting metallic areas of a model with flat paints (greys and yellows instead of silvers and golds) with highlighting to make...
That model looks awesome! Great paint job and great base on him. Did you use a regular saurus head instead of the scar-vet head? Also, what does...
Ah, I thought the carnosaur was on a 50x50 base. Thank you for clarifying. Edit: Nevermind, just answered my own question. DUH!
Very nice looking models you have. And you say it was achieved with a few simple steps? Even better. Great job!
Maybe a dumb question but would Kroq-gar be a legal entry?
Re: The army of Tsunami (WIP stegadon 31/8-2011) Nice looking stuff you got here. I especially like the paint job on the stegadon so far and the...
Those Kroxigor scultps are looking really good. Keep it up!
Interesting finds. Wonder how much of it is accurate.
10 models is definitely a good idea. I agree with Arli, give them the banner of Huanchi to ensure they can charge from a great distance and...
Just wondering but, will we (the forum community) be seeing/voting on the submitted models or will the Mantic staff be in charge of that?
Great looking models. Love the colors you chose, they really stand out. I think the two skink chiefs are my favorite. Great work!
I for one would definitely love to see some WIP shots as you go along.
Re: New Paint Scheme.. Thoughts or opinions? I third what has been said. Although, I dont think the shield color is dull, I just think it looks...
Looks pretty good so far. I also agree with using a wash over the model and the shield to give it more depth. Good start and keep it up!
Looking forward to seeing some of your work.