Have any of you guys seen this Slann before? Thoughts? [IMG]
Yep! That's Agrellian (sp?) Earth. Gob it on and let it dry. I didn't do anything else to it. Some people will wash it and then drybrush over...
I finished the Terrorgheist! I tried to downplay the gore. The only real gore I added was blood coming from the Ghoul King's eyes. Makes him...
It's a WIP. That's just the base color on the bones atm. They'll lighten up with some drybrushing. I don't want them gleaming white though.
I've also been working on these Gore Gruntaz. I'm going to use them for Fantasy 8th edition. I still lack a little bit on them. [img]
Making more progress... [img] [img]
I've started painting a Terrorgheist for a friend of mine. We're going to trade and this is what he wanted. I like having the opportunity to...
Yeah, that's one major thing that attracted me to Lizardmen; the bright colors! All the colors of the jungle, available to use in one army!
Love that Blue!
Well, it helped being off on vacation for a week during the Thanksgiving Holidays.
Marius is on the scene! May the craziness commence. [img] [img]
Sorry, Nightbringer, I just saw this thread! After reading the comments and analysis', I believe that he'd probably be closer to 530. I voted...
I hope that's your girlfriend and not your sister!
I repainted the eyes on my A-Rock in order to make them a bit more intimidating. I'll work on finishing the base up soon as well. (No small...
Lol, I can see that. I actually like the FW one much more because of the GW's face! He's too fat! Plus, his helmet is weird. Like an iron pot...
I finished my new Dwarf BSB last night as well! I really like this Forge World model over the GW one. [img] [img] [img] [img] Here's the two...
They look great! I have to echo Crowsfoot's comments about the main gun arm. I know that you said it was washed and I'm sure the pic isn't...
Lastly, I also finished this Slayer from the Forge World Dwarf Command kit. (Don't worry, that's a Dragon Pelt he's wearing! Maybe....:oops:)...
[img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
Next, I've also been working on a unit of 20 Teutogen Guard. (I've got 10 more Teutonic Guard on the way - 9th age's answer for bringing these...