Yes, the Civil War was actually about MUCH more than slavery. That was just one thing that was tied to it. Unfortunately, a lot of hate groups...
Nah. I'm an 8th edition purest. Keep it as it is. I'm also heavily involved with the EEFL (Eighth Edition For Life) forum. Good people there...
Well, after it was apparent that I wasn't biting, he did tell me that he's never sold one of those sets before. I don't mind him trying, but...
I've gone and done it! I've taken a nibble of the forbidden fruit! I've let a friend of mine talk me into starting a small Space Wolves force!...
Thanks, guys! No, that's a standard banner for Empire troops. I just did the painting. Lol, that was more of a joke among friends really....
This is a unit that I wanted to include in my Empire (Middenheim) army. I love the fluff and it's really nice having units that come together...
Great job! I love it!
Looking great! :spiderman:
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Alright. After Photobucket's colossally-stupid business move, I'm testing out uploading my images here....
Nice! I'll check it out.
Aw, crud! Looks like the Photobucket police have found me! What service should I switch to guys?
Thanks, fellas!
I did an albino Lizzy a while back as a way to make my Champ/special character stand out from the pack. Here's how it turned out: [IMG]...
I finally finished off the last 4 Quarrellers I needed to complete my unit of 20! [ATTACH]
Well, I've finished my "Altar" terrain project! I made it simple so that I could get double use out of it as a unit filler for my Goblins as...
Those are good-looking Dwarfs!
Well....I go to all that trouble of making a cool Dark Pegasus, magnetizing it and getting it painted up....and then I go and buy a Raging Heroes...
Aw, dang. That really stinks for your elf. The Dread Saurian looks great though!
Hahaha! That's too funny! I really want a Slug-Eat-Your-Face model! Can you imaging a horde of those coming at you? (Movement 1 to be sure.)
Lol, that's perfect! I didn't even read it the first time! I think that's exactly how most of the conversations in our house are going to go....