Well, I've been looking at my 2k LM army and wishing that it didn't seem so boring. I mean, I have a slann, an EotG, 3 blocks of infantry, 2...
Or i could get one unit of 4 teradons and a hunting pack or two
Do you think I would get more benefit out of the Teradon riders or the Cold One Riders? If I drop the Riders I could get 2x3 Teradon units and...
Well, with the lack of feedback, ill go ahead and put forth the option I am thinking of going with at this time. Adding 2 Powerstones to the...
ok, so this is the list that my 1k point army is hopefully going to evolve into. Let me know what changes you think are necessary. Slann...
I'm kind of in the same boat, LM was my very first Fantasy army and I'm just now getting back into them. I would say that a level 2 priest on an...
Thanks for the Welcome!
Yeah, the major reason I have the EotG at 1k is that its a build up to my 2k list and I didn't want to waste money on stuff that wasn't going to...
ok, so to start my LM army off, this is kind of what I want to do to build up to a 2k Slann list Skink Priest Level 2 Plaque of Tepok Wardrums of...
Well, I have decided to start up a LM army to go along with my WE and TK (thought I might as well get one of the newer armies that isn't chock...