cant use scroll caddys anymore, 1 dispel scroll per army now
But Skink Skirmishers cant scout.. ands thats what best about chameleons
well your not going to roll for the attacks at the same time.. ASF cancel eachother out.. therefore I order takes place.. and because the revered...
if the revered guardian has ASF then HE would not reroll against him only and attacks would resort back to highest I for the revered guardian...
chameleons are sick in 8th edition.. ive played three games so far and in 1. They killed an empire lord on griffin and the rocket thing.. in game...
Salamanders are a must in the 8th edition.. especially against elves put the skink with curse charm of topec (i believe).. cuz with his ring of...
Dude.. im dealing with the same exact thing.. im about to play my bro who brings teclis in an almost deathstar phoenix guard.. i was planning on...